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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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81 Mossbauer 2009 Mossbauer, M.. Lokale Küstenerosion in der Glowe-Bucht - eine Analyse. In: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.. International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Coastline Reports (13), pp. 65-77. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
82 Volpi Girardini A. 2008 Ecological quality indices, biodiversity and environmental management for lagoon areas. In: Volpi Girardini A., Losso C., Arizzi Novelli A., Ghetti P.F.. A toxicity index for the Venice Lagoon. Research Programme 2004-2006, 2006 Results, CORILA (6), pp. 249-255. CORILA, Venice, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
83 Volpi-Ghirardini 2009 Volpi-Ghirardini, A. Losso, C., Brigolin, D., Canu, D., Pastres, R., Solidoro, C.. ECOTOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF CLAM HARVESTING AREAS. SSA 15 Venice Lagoon , voghi@unive.it, closso@unive.it, Environmental Science Deptarment, Universty Cà Foscari, Venice, Italy, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Report
84 Vanderlinden 2009 Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul. SPICOSA’s WT1.2 leader. On-line “Beta” prototype of the “SPICOSA” DST with comprehensive User’s Guide. 2009 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 1.5). Pdf available, click to open... Report
85 Vanderlinden 2009 Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul. SPICOSA’s WT1.1 leader. SPICOSA Stakeholder-Policy Mapping Users’ Manual, complete version with worked examples. 2009 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 1.6). Pdf available, click to open... Report
86 Hadley 2009 Hadley,D.. SPICOSA's WP 2 leader (with contributions from partners 19, 26 and 48). SAF User’s Guide for implementing economic assessment. 2009 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 2.3). Pdf available, click to open... Report
87 Lucius 2007 Lucius,I., Ferreira,M. . SPICOSA's WP 11 leader . Results of Virtual Communication workshop for SPICOSA Communication Team Members. 2007 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 11.3). Pdf available, click to open... Report
88 SPICOSA 2007 SPICOSA WP 12 Academic Training (UALG partner 11 and UoP partner 16). ICZM Graduate Level Courses (Review Report). 2007 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 12.1). Pdf available, click to open... Report
89 SPICOSA 2006 SPICOSA Integrated Project (Sixth Framework Porgramme Priority Description of Work (DOW). 2006 - SPICOSA project . Pdf available, click to open... Report
90 Spekker 2007 Spekker, H.. Quantifizierung des Hochwasserrisikos für die Stadt Bremen. In: Gönnert, G., Pflüger, B., Bremer, J.-A. (eds.). Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Coastline Reports (9), pp. 163-167. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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