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ECODYN: ECODYN - Influence of ecological dynamics and climate change on the marine environment in Danish waters

Type of Entry: Project
Website: http://ecodyn.dmu.dk
Duration: 01/2008 - 12/2011

The project will promote national research on ecosystem dynamics and the potential impact from climate change on the marine environment in Danish coastal waters. The research group behind the project include experts from the National Environmental Research Institute (Aarhus University), the Danish Meteorological Institute, University of Copenhagen and the Danish Institute of Fisheries (Danish Technical University). The objectives are through modelling to analyse ecological relationships in the present marine biological and physical environment in the Danish waters and to provide a comprehensive analysis of the possible impact from climate change on the marine ecosystem. These dynamics will be analysed using high resolution three dimensional numerical circulation models, experimental studies of critical biological processes aimed at verifying model assumptions and analysis of archived data from the area. The research will provide a detailed insight into the interaction between physical and biological processes which causes hypoxia and its consequences for the ecosystem. The project involves the use of new techniques on advanced numerical three dimensional modelling, new advanced laboratory and field studies on thetemperature dependence of the remineralisation of various fractions of organic matter, advanced ecological modelling of the inner Danish waters, relating the turnover of organic matter and nitrogen to pelagic processes, statistical analysis of existing monitoring data, mesocosm measurement of pelagic turnover of organic matter in the plankton community and measurements from new continuous oxygen sensors mounted on buoy moorings located in the central part of the Danish waters. The project will provide key information of socio-economic relevance for management, protection of marine habitats, exploitation of living resources and biodiversity in the Danish waters.

Keywords: Climate change
Contact: Aarhus Universitet
Frederiksborgvej 399
Postboks 358
4000 Roskilde
Telephone: 4630 1200
Fax: 4630 1114
Website: http://www.au.dk/
Partner: National Environmental Research Institute -AU (http://www.dmu.dk/en/)
University of Copenhagen (http://www.science.ku.dk/)
University of Aarhus (http://www.aau.dk)
Danish Meteorological Institute (http://www.dmi.dk)
DTU Aqua – National Institute of Aquatic Ressources (http://www.aqua.dtu.dk)
VitusLab (http://vituslab.dk)