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EU Demo on ICZM: Territorial coordination scheme for the harbour system and coast of the Gulf of Naples - "Posidonia" - Palermo

Type of Entry: Case Study
Coastal Guide ICZM Information System (8.193 Bytes)
Contact: Mr. Antonio Mazzon and Mrs. Agata Bazzi
Assessorato al territorio, Uficio del Piano
Viale del Fante - ex centro
Stampa Mondiali 90
90100 Palermo
Telephone: +39-91-525044
Fax: +39-91-525077
E-Mail: a.mazzon@urb.comune.palermo.it or c.spataro@urb.comune.palermo.it or prog_terra_pa@hotmail.com
Financed by: European Union (EU) TERRA Programme / Posidonia n°55/Palermo