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CoPraNet: Assessment of intertidal morphological changes using video monitoring

Type of Entry: Case Study
Website: www.wldelft.nl/argus

Coastal managers and engineers presently demand high-resolution monitoring information, which is not easily obtained from traditional survey techniques. With the advent of digital imaging technology, automated shore-based video stations provide enhanced opportunities to support cost-efficient coastal resource planning and impact assessment studies. Video monitoring was used to assess the intertidal morphological changes as well as the evolution of surf zone bathymetry after implementation of a shoreface nourishment at Egmond, the Netherlands, in July 1999. 

Keywords: Tools and techniques for beach management
Assessment of intertidal morphological changes using video monitoring (5.428.830 Bytes)
Contact: Henriette Otter
WL Delft Hydraulics
E-Mail: henriette.otter@wldelft.nl
Website: www.wldelft.nl