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DUNES: Integrated management methods: Monitoring environmental change in coastal dune ecosystems

Type of Entry: Project
Website: http://www2.nilu.no/eloise/index.cfm?fuseaction=projects.viewprojectinfo&proj...
Duration: 1996 - 1999

Main Objective of DUNES project:

To develop an integrated management tool via an innovative computerised checklist system for European dune systems, using a new HRV/ADP image processing procedure. Atlantic and Mediterranean sites.

Keywords: Coastal erosion, Dunes, Tools and techniques for beach management
Contact: Prof. Allan Thomas WILLIAMS
Bath Spa University College
Faculty of Applied Science
Newton Park
BA2 9BN Bath
Telephone: +44 1225 875776
Fax: +44 1225 875425
E-Mail: a.t.williams@bathspa.ac.uk
Website: www.bathspa.ac.uk
Partner: University of Glamorgan, Department of Applied Sciences (www.glam.ac.uk)
UCTRA Universidad del Algarve (www.iim.csic.es)
University of Sevilla (www.upo.es)
University of Lisbon (www.ul.pt)