Type of Entry: | Project | ||
Website: | http://www.nersc.no/Projects/dismar | ||
Duration: | 01/08/2001 - | ||
Description: | General Information about DISMAR project: The overall objective of DISMAR is to develop an advanced information system for monitoring and forecasting marine environment to improved management of pollution crises in coastal and ocean regions of Europe, in support to public administrations and emergency services responsible for prevention, mitigation and recovery of crises such as oil spill pollution and harmful algal blooms. MAIN CHALLENGE OF DISMAR PROJECT: The main challenge of DISMAR is to develop a system that can:
Since marine monitoring and management of pollution crises is operated very differently in European countries, DISMAR will contribute to the harmonisation and the standardisation of observing systems, models and management systems to be used for prevention, mitigation and recovery of pollution crises. DISMAR will also contribute to better exploitation of different observation systems and bridge these into operational services. DISMAR will offer standards and solutions built on a common architecture, implemented via Geographic Information Systems - GIS and Internet, which can be adopted by several countries and facilitate exchange of data across national borders. |
Keywords: | Coastal water, Environmental assessment, Monitoring and evaluation, Risk and Safety | ||
Documents: |
Contact: | Stein Sandven Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center NERSC Thormøhlensgate 47 N-5006 Bergen NORWAY Telephone: + 47 55 20 58 00 Fax: + 47 55 20 58 01 E-Mail: Stein.Sandven@nersc.no Website: www.nersc.no |
Partner: | Norwegian Meteorological Institute (www.met.no) Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning NIVA (www.niwa.no) Optimare GmbH (Optimare Sensorsysteme AG) (www.optimare.de) GSKK (www.gskk.de) Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Institut fuer Neuroinformatik (www.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) Telespazio spa - Osservazioni della Terra (www.telespazio.it) Agencia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (www.asi.it) Ecoles des Mines, Centre Teledetection & Modelisation (www.ensmp.fr) University of College Cork (UCC), (www.ucc.ie) Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) (www.pml.ac.uk) CEDRE (www.ifremer.fr) Joint Research Centre (JRC) (www.jrc.it) DIpartimento di Scienze dell (www.unipmn.it) IFREMER (www.ifremer.fr) |
Financed by: | IST (www.cordis.lu/ist) | ||
Coastal databases provided and maintained by EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany |