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IOP: International Odra Project

Type of Entry: Project
Duration: 01/05/1997 - 30/04/2000

IOP The international Odra Project has been carried out in a co-operation of Polish and Germany from 1997. The main co-ordinator of the IOP program is the Hamburg University.

The main objectives of this program are

  • the hipothetical danger connected with the Oder river flooding
  • the Oder river quality
  • Oder river pollution (the most important pollutants are PCB, WWA and pesticides)

The international Oderprojekt (IOP) is an interdisciplinary research project, which took up its work in May 1997. It is promoted by the Federal Ministry for research, technology, education and science as well as of the donation for German Polish co-operation.

In the context of the IOP momentarily 11 Polish and German groups co-operate. An extension by further Germans, Polish above all however around Czech subprojects is planned.

Keywords: Coastal water, Flood, Flood Risk Management, Water
IOP (50.348 Bytes)
The basic information about International Oder Program
Contact: K.H.Henning
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Fachgebiet Angewandte Geologie II - Lagerstättenlehre / English (IOP)
17487 Greifswald,
Website: www.uni-greifswald.de/~geo/henning
Partner: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - PTWT (www.ptwt.de)
Institute of Physics and Nuclear Techniques Warsaw
Universität Hamburg (www.uni-hamburg.de)
University of Mining and Metallurgy Cracow (www.agh.edu.pl)
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Universität Greifswald (www.uni-greifswald.de)
Wroclaw University (www.uni.wroclaw.pl)
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Berlin
Landesumweltamt Brandenburg
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Wroclaw, (www.imgw.wroclaw.pl)
Agricultural University of Szcecin
Financed by: European Union