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COMRISK: Common strategies to reduce the risk of storm floods in coastal lowlands

Type of Entry: Project
Website: http://comrisk.hosted-by-kfki.baw.de/
Duration: 07/2002 - 06/2005

COMRISK is a common project of North Sea Region coastal defence authorities. It aims at improved risk management for coastal flood prone areas through a transfer and evaluation of knowledge and methods as well as pilot studies. 

COMRISK_brochure (454.433 Bytes)
Contact: Daniel Witzki
Schleswig-Holstein State Ministry of the Interior
Coastal Defence Division
P.O. Box 7125
24171 Kiel
Telephone: +49 431988-5158
Fax: +49 431988-5172
E-Mail: daniel.witzki@im.landsh.de
Website: http://landesregierung.schleswig-holstein.de/coremedia/generator/System/Startseite.html
Partner: Ministry of the Flemish Community, Waterways and Maritime Affairs Administration, Coastal Waterways Division, Belgium (http://www2.vlaanderen.be/welcome.htm)
Ministry of Transport, Danish Coastal Authority, Denmark (http://www.kyst.dk)
Schleswig-Holstein State Ministry of the Interior, Coastal Defence Division, Germany (http://landesregierung.schleswig-holstein.de)
Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation Agency (NLWKN), Germany (http://www.nlwkn.de)
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management (RWS), The Netherlands (http://www.verkeerenwaterstaat.nl)
National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (RIKZ), The Netherlands (http://www.rikz.nl/home/NL)
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division (DWW),The Netherlands (http://www.rws.nl/rws/dww/home/engels/index_eng.html)
Environment Agency, Centre for Risk and Forecasting, United Kingdom (http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk)
Financed by: European Union (http://www.interregnorthsea.org)