SPICOSASpicosa Website

Coastal Projects and Case Studies

The database contains world-wide applied coastal (and marine) projects and regional case studies. To search in the database you can enter a term into the search field or sort the content by clicking on table titles (data, name or country etc.). Many users ensure the success of the databases. Therefore, we like to ask you to enter information about your projects and case studies to the databases as well.

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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
161 I-ADApT Assessment based on Description and responses, and Appraisal for a Typology 13/02/17
162 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Germany: Eco-technologies & eutrophication in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon 2015-2018 15/01/18
163 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Poland: Shipping & economic development, Vistula Lagoon 2015-2018 05/02/18
164 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Lithuania: Establishing new bathing sites at the Curonian Lagoon coast 2015-2018 15/01/18
165 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Latvia: Coastal municipal governance in the Salacgriva rural coastal municipality (Eastern coast of Riga Gulf) 2015-2018 15/01/18
166 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Estonia: Coastal protection management, Pärnu Bay, Estonia 2015-2018 15/01/18
167 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Denmark: Fish distribution & productivity in Inner Danish waters 2015-2018 15/01/18
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