SPICOSASpicosa Website

Coastal Projects and Case Studies

The database contains world-wide applied coastal (and marine) projects and regional case studies. To search in the database you can enter a term into the search field or sort the content by clicking on table titles (data, name or country etc.). Many users ensure the success of the databases. Therefore, we like to ask you to enter information about your projects and case studies to the databases as well.

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Nr.Sorted descending Acronym Sorted descending Title  Duration  Last Update 
101 EU demo on ICZM Integrated management of the Kent coast 04/01/07
102 EU demo on ICZM The Development of a Consensus Based Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Bantry Bay 04/01/07
103 EU demo on ICZM An integrated management strategy for an open coast - Dorset 04/01/07
104 EU demo on ICZM Implementing alternativestrategies in Irish beach and dune management: involvement in sustainable coastal development 04/01/07
105 EU demo on ICZM Integrated management of the coast of Down 04/01/07
106 EU Demo on ICZM Territorial coordination scheme for the harbour system and coast of the Gulf of Naples - "Posidonia" - Barcelona 04/01/07
107 EU Demo on ICZM Territorial coordination scheme for the harbour system and coast of the Gulf of Naples - "Posidonia" - Palermo 04/01/07
108 EU demo on ICZM Integrated management of a living Atlantic coastline Devon and Cornwall 04/01/07
109 EU Demo on ICZM Territorial coordination scheme for the harbour system and coast of the Gulf of Naples - "Posidonia" - Napoli 04/01/07
110 EU Demo on ICZM Co-operation, integrated management and sustainable development in the coastal zones of the European Union-France 04/01/07
111 EU Demo on ICZM RICAMA - Rational for Integrated Coastal Area Management 04/01/07
112 EU demo on ICZM Integrated development and management of the Bay of Brest 04/01/07
113 EU demo on ICZM Coastal Planning on the Gulf of Finland 1996- 04/01/07
114 EU demo on ICZM Lesson from The European Commission’s Demonstration Programme on ICZM 30/10/06
115 EU Demo on ICZM Co-operation, integrated management and sustainable development in the coastal zones of the European Union-Portugal 04/01/07
116 EU Demo on ICZM Programme of integrated management for the Ria de Aveiro-Portugal 04/01/07
117 EU Demo on ICZM TERRA CZM Algarve (Ria Formosa)-Portugal 04/01/07
118 EU Demo on ICZM Integrated management of the Algarve-Huelva coast-Portugal 04/01/07
119 EU Demo on ICZM Cooperation, integrated management and sustainable development in the coastal zones of the European Union-Spain 04/01/07
120 CoPraNet A Managerial System for Coastal Dunes Breached by Oil and Gas Pipeline Landfalls 26/01/07
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