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Feilbach, M.. Bestandsanalyse des IKZM Stettiner Haff aus deutscher Sicht am Beispiel Tourismus. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 19-24. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005.


Analysis of ICZM for the Szczecinski/Oder Lagoon area from the German Perspective. Example of tourism. One of the missions of the „Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme (JCP)“ is to work out an “Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan” for coastal lagoons and wetlands. This should be done for the Szczecinski/Oder Lagoon in particular to set an example for the Baltic Sea area. A dissertation entitled “Entwurf eines Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagementplans für die Odermündung – Neufassung des deutschen Teilbeitrags“ by Marc Feilbach dealt with the German side of the Szczecinski/Oder Lagoon and serves as a basis for JPC’s ICZM approach in the Szczecinski/Oder Lagoon area Following an inventory of the region, it was the task of this dissertation to define problems and conflicts of different scopes and from different perspectives, to determine the underlying causes of these adversities, and to recommend ways to resolve them. It is important to make realistic proposals in order to gain acceptance from local inhabitants. The ultimate goal of the plan is to combine nature protection with economic development. Because of the international character of the Szczecinski/Oder Lagoon, it is difficult to imagine any national strategy of Integrated Coastal Zone Management that would be sufficient. Rather, it will be necessary to develop a regional strategy for solving cross-border problems.

PDF: 03_feilbach.pdf (394.074 Bytes)