Background, objectives and conclusions phase
1 Research on sustainable management of the coastal zone is
motivated by the fierce competition for natural resources between
different categories of users along the coast. Knowledge-based
management will be able to base its decision-making on information
representing the complex nature of the coast. The research carried
out in the research programme Sustainable Coastal Zone Management
(SUCOZOMA) has been focused on the production of results and
knowledge of a transdisciplinary character, reflecting the
interaction between different activities and the human pressures
it creates on the natural resources in the coastal
Conclusions from SUCOZOMA, phase 1 In the
research programme it has been concluded that the integration
between sectors also must include integrated management of
resources in the outer archipelago and the open sea. The state of
the coastal environment is affected by up-stream disturbances, as
well as activities at sea. Integration in both directions is a
necessary precondition for sustainable management.
has shown that local influence promotes legitimacy in the exercise
of management. Local actors may be increasingly involved in
fishery as well as water quality management. However expert skills
and specialised competence is rarely available at the local level.
Therefore a strategy for sustainable coastal management must
develop mechanisms for efficient exchange, dissemination and
utilisation of knowledge.
In 2000 SUCOZOMA was evaluated by
an international scientific panel. An additional evaluation
included the usability of the research results. Generally, the
evaluation of the panel was very positive. Their recommendation to
the research foundation MISTRA was to continue in a second phase
of SUCOZOMA research, which started in
Kontaktperson: Programdirektör Anders Carlberg Södra
Hamngatan 3, 403 40 Göteborg Tfn +46 31 60 50 49, Mobil +708-82
15 41, Fax +31-60 52 46 anders.carlberg@o.lst.se
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